Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the April 9, 2002 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 2002 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building. Roll call was taken with council members James Hall, Tonya Smith, David Crane and Norma Snedeker and Attorney Henry J. Antonini present.
The minutes of the March meeting and financial report were approved with a motion by Norma and seconded by David. The motion carried by voice vote.
Lon Gardner, Hannum, Wagle & Cline advised that the pre-final inspection with Rural Development was held on March 27 and that the project was accepted as substantially completed. A meeting was held later in the day with all contractors interested in the project. Sewer connection can begin April 1, 2002. Lon presented an approved pay request from B & T Excavating.
Chuck Strobel advised there would be a mock startup using water at the plant.
Bob Baird questioned what needed to be done for a few residents that had already installed their pipe. It was advised that the homeowner would have to dig up a section at the house and at the lateral connection along with any bends in the pipe. It was reiterated that the homeowner needs to be connected within 90 days as mandated by IDEM. If an extension is needed, the Town will have to okay.
There were complaints about the condition of 2nd street between Railroad and Jackson, Railroad Street and Parke Street. B & T will be contacted to grade.
Additional Appropriation Resolution for $16,000 for the MVH Fund was read and approved with a motion by Jim and seconded by David. The motion carried by voice vote.
Frank Certain, CountrySide Team, requested permission to use the ball field for little girl's softball team practice. Mr. Certain was granted permission to use the field after providing proof of insurance.
Ordinance 2002-2 was read in its entirety. A motion to suspend the rules was made by Norma and seconded by David. The motion carried by voice vote. The Ordinance was read twice by title and a motion was made by David and seconded by Norma to pass said ordinance. The motion carried by voice vote.
The Police Log was turned in for March.
A motion was made by Jim and seconded by Norma to. pay the Town claims in the amount of $7,613.07, the wastewater claims of $152,159.27 and the Water Department claims in the amount of $6,638.19. The motion carried by voice vote.
A request was made by Ron Delph to forego paying future sewer/ water bills on the Cradle to Crayons Daycare as that building will be torn down in the near future. With the understanding that a tap on fee will need to be paid if that connection is used in the future, a motion was made by Jim and seconded by Norma to discontinue service. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. with a motion by Norma and seconded by David. The motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer
April 9, 2002