Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the April14, 2015 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 14, 2015 at 7:00p.m.
at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council
members Jim Hall, Tonya Smith, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore and attorney Henry Antonini
present. Council member Larry Natalie was absent. Tonya Smith presided over the meeting. A
motion was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Jim Hall to accept the minutes of the March
meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Leonard Akers complained of a nuisance property at 380 Jackson, advising that the
house was falling down and that the property at 360 Jackson is littered with trash. Jim Hall
talked ·with the owner at 360 and they advised that they will be cleaning it up. It was decided to
send both property owners letters giving them 10 days to clean up the properties and then
Jim Hall advised that he checked the nuisance on Parke and it was pretty well cleaned
Jim Hall will take care of getting dusk to dawn light up in the park.
Don Klinge advised that he had procured several donations toward the new radio
system and that Fairview Park has sufficient funding now, but fund raising will continue for the
remaining Vermillion County units.
Sue requested the Council write off some bad debts for the water/se\ver departments,
approve 2 transfers and 2 notices of liens.
Leonard is continuing to plant flowers in the park area at the comer of Fourth and
Washington Streets. He asked if the Park had a name or if one could be given to it.
Greg Kelshiemer advised that he had tripped and fallen over uneven ground caused by
the road grader on Parke. He also advised that he \Vas drunk at the time and he would not sue
the town as he is a good guy. Sue will check the grading at that location.
Don Klinge advised that the Department's Chicken BBQ will be April 25th.
A motion was made by Phyllis and seconded by Jim Hall to pay the Town claims in the
amount of $14,971.36, the water department claims in the amount of $15,318.55 and the
wastewater claims in the amount of $11,534.55. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:21p.m. with a motion by Jim Moore and seconded by
Phyllis. The motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer
April14, 2015