Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the April 12th, 2016 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday April 12th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Tonya Smith, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore, was all present. Larry Natalie and attorney Henry Antonini was absent. A motion was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Phyllis Lambert to accept the minutes of the March meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Rental agreement, the final draft was discussed. Jim Moore asked John Sanquenetti if the draft was to his approval, John said yes. Mike Kelley asked what changes had been made and John said, the proof of insurance Mike asked what if the renter does not have insurance and John said he will rent it to them anyway. Tonya pointed out that the new draft states that the town is not liable for any issues or accidents that the renters will be. A motion was made to accept the new agreement by Phyllis Lambert and seconded by Jim Moore, voice approved.
Next up was the Fire Dept. renovations however there was no one from the dept. here at the time, Tonya said if they show up she will let them give their update.
Michael Tindera gave an update on the Tennis Education program at the park, he mentioned that he had spoken to Neil Costello about somethings at the park and that Neil had already taken care of them, he said the community is really supporting the program, the Lions club is buying some equipment and the Optimist club is also helping. The play dates will be at 11:00 am three Wednesdays in June and 11:00 am three Fridays in July for age’s five to twelve. He is not sure how the turn out will be right now, he is planning to put something in the paper about the program, he also plans to come back to a meeting after he finds out more from the Lions club, they are hoping to try and get the courts resurfaced
Phil Bennett was able to give a quick update on the fire dept. renovations he said they had got another price in the range of $8000.00 to &10,000.00. Phil said they are going to put it on hold right now and are looking into what the cost would be for the materials and getting the bathroom itself done
Leonard Akers ask for a copy of the new rental agreement.
Phil stated the fire dept. is going to have to replace the tires on their tanker, he said they are about thirteen years old, he also said the membership is wanting to have a gun raffle, they have applied for a permit from the state, the gun will be held at the gun shop in town and the winner must pass all the legal requirements, if the winner is not able to pass the requirements there will be a backup ticket drawn, he said the dept. will never touch the firearm while the raffle is going on, and if this raffle go’s well they may consider doing another one. The chicken BBQ will be April 30th.
Larry Beard said the Terre Haute paper stated that the city has a contract conflict with the sludge haulers from the surrounding areas and he wanted to know how that was going to affect Fairview, he ask how the town was disposing of its sludge, Jim & Tonya said our sludge was still going to Terre Haute. Larry wanted to know if we have a contract with Terre Haute to haul our sludge, because he said the sanitary board of the Terre Haute waste water has disallowed that company, Tonya said that is something we need to look into and Jim Moore said Larry Natalie had some questions also and had spoken to them and it was still going to be enforced.
Leonard Akers introduced a couple of guests we had at our meeting, Nate Lommock and his mother Stacey, Nate is a Boy Scout who is working on getting a merit badge.
Mike Strader mentioned that the town marshal phone system has changed, all calls will go to a cell phone that him or Curtis will have with them, and the number is 765-505-8283. Tonya asked Mary Kay if the number she put on the water bills was hand stamped and if it could be changed to the other half of the water bill because the number is on the side that is turned in with the payments, Mary Kay said she would check,
Larry Beard asked about the property on Cherry St. Curtis said he had went by the property on Sunday and someone was there working on it.
Phyllis spoke about the property at 564 S. Kibby, she said there is four vehicles left there and trash by the mail box, also it looks like it’s been broken into or animals have gotten into the house, Mike said he would look into it.
A motion was made by Jim Hall and seconded by Phyllis Lambert to pay the town claims in the amount of $9,390.13 the water department claims in the amount of $14,236.86 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $9,012.53. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. with a motion by Phyllis Lambert and seconded by Jim Moore. The motion carried by voice vote
Attested to by:
Milisa Carty, Clerk-Treasurer
April 12th, 2016