Fairview Park, Indiana Town Coucil
Meeting Minutes for December 11, 2012
                                 Town of Fairview Park
                       Minutes of the December 11, 2012 Meeting

              The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore present. Attorney Henry Antonini was absent. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Jim Hall to accept the minutes of the November meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
             Teresa advised that the water department fees for turning on and off water service will remain the same as it would require a public notice and hearing to raise them.
             Teresa advised that IC allowed any surplus property belonging to the Town with a value of less than $1,000 can be sold outright without taking bids. A motion was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Phyllis to rescind the original motion to accept sealed bids for the 1993 Caprice and to sell the vehicle outright. The motion carried by voice vote.
             Sue advised that she has met with Eric twice about valves and fire hydrants. She will meet next week with the electrician. She also advised that in order to resume adding fluoride to the water would cost approximately $8,500. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Phyllis to officially discontinue fluoridation of the Town water. The motion carried by voice vote.
             Ordinance 2012-13, AN ORDINANCE SETTING SALARIES FOR 2013, was read. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Phyllis to pass said ordinance. The motion carried by voice vote.
              Jim Hall advised that a new merry-go-round will cost approximately $2,500. He advised that money was available for the purchase.
              A motion was made by Phyllis and seconded by Tonya to pay the Town claims in the amount of $77,670.08, the water department claims in the amount of $56,236.79 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $5,121.87. The motion carried by voice vote.
             The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m. with a motion by Tonya and seconded by Jim Hall. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                        Attested to by:
                                                                                        Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer                                                                                                  December 11, 2012

                             Town of Fairview Park
             Minutes of the December 11, 2012 Executive Meeting

          The Town Council held an executive meeting on December 11, 2012 at 7:40 p.m. at the town hall. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore present.
          The Council received information classified as confidential by state or federal statute. The governing body certifies that no subject matter was discussed in the executive session other than the subject matter specified in the public notice.
          The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. with a motion by Tonya Smith and seconded by Phyllis. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                     Attested to by:
                                                                                     Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer                                                                                                December 11, 2012