Fairview Park, Town Council
Meeting Minutes for December 12, 2023
Town of Fairview Park Meeting
Minutes of the December 12th, 2023
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday December 12th, 2023 at 7:00p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Cox, Larry Wilson, Jim Moore and Attorney Henry Antonini all present. A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Moore to accept the minutes of the November meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Under old business Scott Skillman spoke about the alley way that Cody & Skyler Wright wish to have vacated , he presented the board with an Affidavit of Service Notice, a Petition to Vacate Public Way, and plat paperwork, he named the residents this would effect and two of them was in attendance with questions and concerns, first resident to speak was Joan Kutlu, her concern was about some trees and brush she wanted to have removed from the back of her property and the best way to get to it was from the alley, she stated she had spoken to Mr. Skillman and Danielle Merkel who at the meeting to represent the Loft about her concerns and believes at this time she will be able to work with them about the use of the alley for her tree removal. Scott Skillman then asked Danielle a few questions about the alley, she explained that the front part of the alley had already been vacated and the other end is a dead end, she said if she looks south all she sees are trees and brush in the alley way. Scott then asked her if they would be willing to work with Mrs. Kutlu about the tree removal and she replied yes. John Danklesen was the next resident to speak, he asked if the property had been surveyed and was told yes it had, Mr. Danklesen then refereed to the alley as a street and said it had never been platted as an alley, Larry explained that it was an alley, Henry said it is platted as a public right of way and not an issue as to it being an alley or street. Mr. Danklesen expressed his concerns about improvements he wished to see done in the area and that could not be done if the alley was closed. After much discussion on this matter Tonya Cox made the motion to allow the petition to vacate the public way, Jim Hall seconded the motion, Larry requested a raise of hands in favor of the motion, all members of the board raised hands in favor of the motion, motion carried.
After the motion carried Ordinance 2023-7 Petition to Vacate Public Way was
read by title twice with it being on record for public view, Tonya Cox made the motion to allow the ordinance, Jim Moore seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
Leonard Akers requested the town look into having the utility bills paid on line, he said several other towns have this in place and it works well for them.
Ordinance 2023-6 Salary Ordinance for 2024 was read in full and again by title only, Tonya cox made the motion to allow, Larry Wilson seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Moore to pay the towns claims in the amount of $15,405.40, the water department claims in the amount of $12,613.37, the wastewater claims in the amount of $6,986.07, and storm water in the amount of $2,346.34. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm with a motion by Jim Moore and seconded by Tonya Cox, the motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Milisa Carty, Clerk/Treasurer
December 12th 2023
General Fund $96,996.10
MVH Fund $13,856.91
MVH Restricted $130,785.00
LR & S Fund $55,214.87
CCD Fund $13,080.21
CCI Fund $27,224.55
Cum Fire Fund $91 ,804.66
Flag Fund $494.38
Rainy Day Fund $57,223.38
Police Ed. Fund $2,256.19
Public Safety $78,097.52
CCMG $3,569.15
ARP Funds $119,908.95
Opioid Distribution $3,509.28
Opioid Unrestricted $1,773.06
Balance as of
December3th, 2023 $695,794.21