Fairview Park Town Council
     Meeting Minutes for February 10,2004
  The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, February 10, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members James Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, David Crane and Norma Snedeker and our attorney Henry Antonini were present.
  The minutes of the January meetings and financial report were approved with a motion by Tonya and seconded by Norma. The motion carried by voice vote.
  Jim advised he is still working on getting additional estimates on the old town hall roof.
  After speaking with Pat Callahan CPA it was decided that the request from Thomas & Hurlow to discontinue the wastewater charge would be granted due to the individual circumstances.
  The Fire Department contract was approved and signed with no changes being made by the Town Council or the Fire Department.
  A resident complained of brush pile, trash, old mattress and an open outhouse at the Reed property at 5th & Lincoln Streets. A letter will be sent.
Approval of the Buckeye Power Contract maintenance agreement was tabled until the next meeting.
  Tonya advised the two nuisance violations on Lincoln Street near her had been taken care of.
  Jim complimented John Wilds and Kenny Hensley on their snow removal efforts in the last few months.
  A motion was made by Norma and seconded by David to pay the Town claims in the amount of $8,599.95, the wastewater claims of $5,468.47 and the Water department claims in the amount of $6,821.81. The motion carried by voice vote.
  Leonard Akers advised he had no information at this time on an ordinance or resolution to keep VX from being transported through Fairview Park.
  The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. with a motion by David and seconded by Norma. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                              Attested to by:
                                                                                              Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer                                                                                                        February 10, 2004