Town of Fairview Park
                                      Minutes of the January 12, 2016 Meeting

                    The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday January 12, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited.  Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, and Jim Moore, were all present, Phyllis Lambert and attorney Henry Antonini was absent. A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Moore to accept the minutes of the December meeting and financial report.  The motion carried by voice vote.
                   Dave Marietta was here to try and explain the towns liability coverage, he explained that places such as the pool at South Vermillion H.S. requires a certificate of insurance before it can be rented out, and most places like that does require one.  Dave said the town can request the certificate or not, if not it could leave the town liable for any accidents.  It was asked what the towns deductible is for its liability insurance and Dave said there is none.  Larry asked if Dave had any figures on what a policy could cost someone who may want to rent the hall, Dave said it is no cost to a homeowner.  Mike Kelley asked how many times the town has had an incident John Sanquenetti said none he knew of, John also said he had the information for the board about how many times the hall has been rented out, in 2014 it was 59 times and in 2015 it was 62 times, he also stated as of 2016 with the rental increase it has not affected the use of the hall, he already has 15 reservations. Sue Crossley and John asked about a disclaimer on the rental agreement, it was discussed and several people stated they didn’t think it would work. Mike Kelley stated we are trying to address a problem we haven’t had, after much discussion on this subject it was decided to table it till next meeting and there was still some questions about the rental agreement such as sub-letting and age of the renter.  Leonard asked what the difference was between someone wanting to rent the park shelter and the town hall as far as the liability go’s, it was said the difference is there is no charge for the park shelter.
                   Neal Costello updated the board on the fire dept. renovations, he said the dept. is looking to upgrade the inside of the building such as the bathroom, utility closet and storage area. Neal had a proposal for the work they want done and passed copies to the board, he explained a little about what was in the proposal. Phil spoke about the electrical panel that is in the town hall, that it operates things with in the dept. and if something should happen to it and no one is around to get in the hall it can make things difficult for them, this is something they want to rework. Jim Moore asked if the dept. wants the towns to help pay for some of the work they want done, they said right now they are not sure. Jim recommended the dept. get quotes on the work and the town may be able to help.
                   Mike Harper asked who all works for the town, he had a copy of the salary ordinance and wanted to know who worked in all the positions, Larry explained to him who the towns employees are and what their positions are, Larry also explained that the waste water plant is under contract and they have four or so employees working for them.
                   Leonard Akers asked about Rail Road St. he had noticed it had been graded several times recently, Sue explained that Mark has been practicing grading.
                   Appointments for 2016 , Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Larry Natalie as President of the Board and Jim Moore seconded the motion, voice approved, next Park Superintendent, Jim Moore made the motion to retain Jim Hall and Tonya Smith seconded the motion, voice approved, Attorney, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Henry Antonini  as the town attorney, Jim Moore seconded the motion, voice approved, Marshal, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Mike Strader as marshal, Jim Hall seconded, voice approved, next Office staff, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Mary Kay Frazier as part time office staff Jim Moore seconded, voice approved, Street & Water Superintendent, Motion was made by Jim Moore to retain Sue Crossley, Tonya Smith seconded the motion, voice approved, Street & Water Employees, Jim Hall made the motion to retain the current street and water employees , Mark Andrews and Ralph Leonard, Jim Moore seconded the motion, voice approved, next Engineer Firm, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain HWC Engineering, Jim Moore seconded the motion, voice approved, and Tonya Smith made the motion to renew the contract with the Fairview Park Volunteer Fire Dept., Jim Moore seconded the motion, voice approved.
                   Transfer Resolution 2016-1 was read aloud once and read by title once, Jim Hall made the motion to accept Tonya Smith seconded the motion, voice approved.
Milisa read the 2016 budget as approved by the SBOA, it was approved as sent in with no cuts.
                    Leonard Akers asked about carrying guns in the town hall, after some discussion it was determined that if a person has a legal gun permit, it should be honored.
                    Neal spoke about some FEMA grants the fire dept. are looking into, they are asking for a grant of 80,000.00 for ten air packs but will need a match of 5% for this, he also stated that this may not take place till 2017 and the dept. may ask for some help from the town at that time.
                    A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Hall to pay the town claims in the amount of $31,799.42, the water department claims in the amount of $30,228.82 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $286,527.39.  The motion carried by voice vote.
                   The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. with a motion by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Hall. The motion carried by voice vote

                                                                                                                        Attested to by:
                                                                                                                Milisa Carty, Clerk-Treasurer
                                                                                                                       January 12, 2016

                   Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the January 12, 2016 Meeting

General Fund                               $33,929.43
MVH Fund                                     $27,485.84
LR & S Fund                                 $24.870.49
CCD Fund                                    $25,636.45
CCI Fund                                      $29.832.94
Cum Fire Fund                             $56,016.25
Flag Fund                                          $576.88
Riverboat Wagering                      $30,498.42
Rainy Day Fund                            $22.193.41
Police Ed. Fund                                $1976.25
Park Grant Fund                                        .00
Excess Levy Fund                                      .00
Balance as of
Jan 31th, 2016                              $253.016.36