Town of Fairview Park Minutes of the January 9, 2001 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 2001 at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, and David Crane and Attorney Henry J. Antonini present.
The minutes of the December 12th and 29th meetings and financial report were approved with a motion by Tonya and seconded by David. The motion carried.
Eric Smith advised that the first progress meeting was held January 5th with both contractors present. No actual work has been done, but pipe has been delivered and submittals for payment have been received and are in order. Both contractors plan to start within the next two weeks.
Tonya advised that neither Rural King nor Tractor Supply carry the type of gasoline tanks we needed. An estimate received from Scott's for a new double tank with electric pump was $1,500. It was decided to reconsider our options and continue charging the gas/diesel at Scott's.
Henry Antonini asked Ed Kanizer to comment on the delinquent mowing bill. Ed advised he thought the cost of mowing was $35-40/hour. Since the town mowed it he has mowed it three times, taking approximately 35 minutes to mow. He questioned why he was billed for two hours. Susan Crossley advised the workers picked up limbs and trash and then cut twice at low speed to avoid tearing up the mower. It was estimated that half the time was spend picking up trash and half the time mowing. Henry proposed a comprise deducting 1 /3, having Ed pay $60. Ed was in agreement.
Ed Kanizer then questioned if any decision had been made on his request for water and sewer. Eric advised that anyone wanting to tap on or requesting services needs to submit plans to the Council for them and the engineers to review. It also has to be approved by the State. It was noted that the Town can agree to treat wastewater without accepting the sewer lines and that the developer is responsible for any cost that causes increased flow where lift stations need upgraded.
A Reduction of Appropriations Resolutions was read. A motion was made by Jim and seconded by Tonya to pass said resolution. The motion carried.
The site for the wastewater plant needs cleaned up. The Pruit brothers advised they would truck the material to the landfill at a cost of $45 per hour. Ed Kanizer advised the cost for landfill would be $9.50/yd or $25 ton for sanitary fill and $7:0 /yd or $18 -ton for construction fill; plus state and county taxes. Eric advised there is money in the construction budget to pay for this.
A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by David to encumber the attached list of moneys from the 2000 budget. The motion carried
A Transfer Resolution was read and a motion was made by Jim and seconded by David to pass said resolution. The motion carried.
According to Eric Smith rental property that has water available and an active septic system must pay the interim sewer rate. The utilities employees advised they would be turning off services after 2 months delinquent. They also advised a problem with renters leaving without paying. A collection ordinance was discussed. Henry will check into and report back.
Sue advised that Bowen Engineering had water turned on and asked about charges. They are to pay the regular water rates, but no sewage or deposit.
Jim Moore advised the Fire Department has the same officers and turned in their financial report for 2000. They are waiting on hose before putting the new truck into service. Tonya commended the department for their professionalism on a medical run at the high school last weekend. There were 287 medical runs and 20 fire runs in 2000.
The Police Log was turned in for January.
A motion was made by David and seconded by Tonya to pay the Town claims in the amount of $144,872.44, the wastewater claims of $1,238.81 and the Water Department claims in the amount of $7,282.88. The motion carried. The water utility wrote off $218.33 for unpaid bills.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. with a motion by Jim and seconded by Tonya. The motion carried.
Attested to by:
Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer
Januarv 9, 2001