Fairview Park, Indiana Town Council
   Meeting Minutes for July 9, 2013
                             Town of Fairview Park
                       Minutes of the July 9, 2013 Meeting

                    The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 9, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore and Attorney Henry Antonini was present. A motion was made by Phyllis and seconded by Jim Moore to accept the minutes ofthe June meeting as corrected and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
                  Sue asked what rate to charge for mowing this year. A motion was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Jim Hall to continue charging the $45 per hour equipment fee plus the laborer's wages. The motion carried by voice vote.
                   Jim Moore is still reviewing the burning ordinance.
                   Larry advised that upon review ofthe sewer rate ordinance it would be appropriate to charge a sewer hook-up fee for each building added to the sewer. He also advised that anyone hooking onto the sewer needs to leave the lateral uncovered until the WW operator can inspect the line.
                   Bond Ordinance 2013-3 was read by title. A motion to hear the bond ordinance was made by Tonya and seconded by Jim Moore. The motion carried. A motion to suspend the rules and consider the bond ordinance for adoption was made by Phyllis and seconded by Tonya. The motion was approved unanimously. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Jim Moore to adopt the bond ordinance. The motion carried.
                    Leonard Akers complained that fireworks started in June and carried through July and asked ifanything can be done to shorten this period. The Marshals advised they could possibly enforce the noise ordinance to limit the noise. Henry will check the statutes to see what, if anything can be done.
                   Marshal advised that several signs are missing. He will get with Sue with a list.
                   A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Phyllis to pay the Town claims in the amount of$13,102.84, the water department claims in the amount of $13,026.09 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $12,645.15. The motion carried by voice vote.
                  The meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m. with a motion by Jim Hall and seconded by Tonya. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                        Attested to by:
                                                                                        Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer
                                                                                        July 9, 2013