Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the July 12th 12016 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday July 12th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Jim Moore, and attorney Henry Antonini all present. Phyllis Lambert was absent. A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Moore to accept the minutes of the June meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
The fire department renovations are still on hold, Phil Bennett did state that the department has a new cascade system that has been installed and they have been doing training on the system, Phil explained briefly how the new system works, he also said the department has been approved for a grant for air packs.
Ordinance 2016-2 amending salary ordinance 2015-10 was read in full and second by title only, Tonya Smith made the motion to approve seconded by Jim Hall. The motion carried by voice vote.
Larry English ask the board when the flags was going to be taken down, Larry ask Sue to have them taken down she said it would be done in a few days.
Mike Kelley said thank you for spraying the alleys with the dust control.
Leonard Akers asked about the tennis program at the park and it was explained that they are also having the program at the CRC due to the weather but they do have intentions of coming back to park.
Thane Doan ask about the break-ins in our area, Larry ask Mike Strader and Curtis Stoffel to tell us what they could about the problem, they said they have a list of suspects and leads they are following up on, Mike said they have a real good lead on one of the stolen credit cards, and to be patient it takes a little time. They both mentioned that a lot of information that they get about crimes and other problems comes from Facebook , it was also ask to have the town marshal’s phone number but back on the water statements again. Leonard spoke about an incident that happened at his home and also mentioned that there was a couple of adults camping out just across the rail road tracks, that he thought the town should be aware of. Curtis said the grant they have been working on from the USDA has basically been awarded to them for a new vehicle.
Mike and Curtis also mentioned that they are a little short- handed right now, and they are looking to bring someone else on to do some of the school patrols, theft reports and such, they have a resume from a thirty year plus police veteran who they say could take care of the day shift, they also have a resume from a person who is younger and wants to get started in law enforcement, they will let the board know who they choose for their approval.
Phil spoke briefly about the new tires the fire dept. had put on their tanker and the new turn out gear they just got.
A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Hall to pay the town claims in the amount of $16,894.46 the water department claims in the amount of $26,229.51 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $12,431.43. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. with a motion by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Moore. The motion carried by voice vote
Attested to by:
Milisa Carty, Clerk-Treasurer
July 12th, 2016