Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the June 14, 2016 Meeting
                                         Town of Fairview Park
                              Minutes of the June 14, 2016 Meeting

                     The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday June 14th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited.  Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Phyllis Lambert, Jim Moore, all present. Tonya Smith and attorney Henry Antonin was absent. A motion was made by Phyllis Lambert and seconded by Jim Hall to accept the minutes of the May meeting and financial report.  The motion carried by voice vote.
                     Phil Bennett gave an update on the fire dept. renovations he stated that it is pretty much on hold for right now, the cost the dept. is looking at is $9000.00 to $10,000.00 to do the work they want done, so the dept. is going to explore other avenues.
                     Larry ask the board if anyone had any new information on the house and property on Jackson St. Jim Hall stated that him and Jim Moore looked into it, Jim Moore said he had got an estimate from Blackburns to tear down, he said that without them looking at the house the estimate would be between $3500.00 to $3800.00. Jim Moore ask Sue to check to see if there is any back taxes on the property, she said she would and the next step would be to see if the county would turn it over to the town so the town could tear down the house and sell the lot since the lot could sell for more than the tear down amount.
                     Larry asked Curtis Stoffel if he had any updates on the house and property on Cherry St. Curtis said he did not, but Mike was going to check into it. Sue said she noticed they had been burning there, Curtis said it is a mess but they are making a slow progress. Larry said he had a property owner ask about it and they might be interested in buying it, the board asked Curtis to check back in with the owners and to let them know someone else might be interested in the property.
Larry touched on the Storm Water project, he said we still need $60,000.00 before we can start on the project and that is if we use our entire allotted money which is about $54,000.00, he said it is a hard decision.
                     Sue asked about the campers in Fairview, Mary Kay said she had a resident come into the water office and state she was going to move a camper in on her property and hook it up to her water and sewer, if other residents can do it  so can she. Sue stated that the town has an ordinance for mobile homes but not campers, Larry agreed. Sue stated there are other residents that have complained about this and could so the same thing if the town does not do something about the campers hooking up to home owners water and sewer. Sue also spoke about the abandoned camper across the highway on Third St. it is on John Scotts property, Jim Hall said it isn’t hooked up to any utilities and it’s been abandoned, Sue said the owner of the camper was an employee of John Scott that owed a large bill and just left. Sue said she informed John that it needs to be taken care of. Sue asked for a better ordinance then the one in have in place from 1998 she wants it to include campers. After much discussion it was decided to update the 1998 ordinance.
                     Craig Kelsheimer had a complaint about the shed at 320 S. Park St. he said it is trashed and people come and go at all hours of the night, after much discussion it was decided to discuss this with the town’s attorney.
                     Phil stated the fire dept. has got there new breathing air compressor installed, it will be used to fill there breathing air bottles.
                     Craig Kelsheimer also asked about the dust control program, Sue said the town is getting the roads ready and they should apply the dust oil on June 20th
                     A motion was made by Phyllis Lambert and seconded by Jim Moore to pay the town claims in the amount of $10,640.19 the water department claims in the amount of $14,559.58 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $6,311.43.  The motion carried by voice vote.
                     The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m. with a motion by Jim Moore and seconded by Phyllis Lambert. The motion carried by voice vote


                                                                                                                                         Attested to by:
                                                                                                                                 Milisa Carty, Clerk-Treasurer
                                                                                                                                         June 14th, 2016

General Fund           $67,237.94
MVH Fund               $33,912.15
LR& S Fund             $28,086.10
CCD Fund                $28,737.46
CCI Fund                  $31,498.20
Cum Fire Fund                $58,590.40
Flag Fund                       $576.88
Riverboat Wagering$30.498.42
Rainy Day Fund       $24,785.91
Police Ed. Fund          $2429.25
Park Grant Fund                    .00
Excess Levy Fund                 .00
Balance as of
June 30st, 2016            $306,352.71