Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the May 9th, 2023 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday May 9th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at
the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council
members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Cox, Larry Wilson, Jim Moore and Attorney Henry
Antonini all present A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Hall to accept the
minutes of the April meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Angie Riggen was unable to attend the meeting no update was given for the pickle ball
Tonya Cox asked if the town could repaint the parking area in front of the park and
possibly look into a new fence for the park area.
Larry mentioned the electronic speed limit signs will be ordered as soon as he and
Curtis can go over the options and information.
Ordinance 2023-1 An Ordinance Creating a new Fund for the Receipt of Monies from
the Federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) was read in full and again by title only, Tonya
Cox made the motion to allow Ordinance 2023-1 Larry Wilson seconded the motion, motion
carried by voice vote.
Jim Moore mentioned that Jim Hall and himself had been discussing the upgrades and
improvements to the town’s park, he asked Jill Moore for some help and guidance on what the
park needed, Jill said she had looked around the park and noticed there wasn’t much there for
preschool age children, she had photos and information about equipment that would be for that
age group and some handicapped accessible equipment with estimated cost for these items, the
board said they appreciated her help and would review the information they were given.
Neil Costello requested that an unused alley way that runs between his property and
neighbors be vacated, he explained that some delivery companies think it is a road and will
drive down it ending up at his driveway thinking that it’s all part of the road. Neil said he has
already spoken to his neighbors who are also in the area of the ally and said they don’t have a
problem with closing the alley, he did say there is a water line from City of Clinton that runs to
the high school that goes thru the alley but as long as the city will have access to the line they
are willing to provide a letter stating they won’t object to vacating the alley, the board agreed to
take the request under advisement, Henry explained to Neil exactly what he will need to do to
get the alley vacated and what paperwork he will need to present to the board.
A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Larry Wilson to pay the towns
claims in the amount of $86,779.92, the water department claims in the amount of $13,972.47,
the wastewater claims in the amount of $48,297.39, and storm water in the amount of
$2,346.34. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:35pm with a motion by Tonya Cox and seconded by
Jim Hall, the motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Milisa Carty, Clerk/Treasurer
May 9th 2023
General Fund $64,552.54
MVH Fund $12,277.25
MVH Restricted $113,802.17
LR & S Fund $56,148.68
CCD Fund $14,973.07
CCI Fund $31,440.94
Cum Fire Fund $86,685.44
Flag Fund $494.38
Rainy Day Fund $50,298.07
Police Ed. Fund $2,852.19
Public Safety $78,097.27
CCMG $3,569.15
ARP Funds $133,125.45
Opioid Distribution $3,509.28
Opioid Unrestricted $1,503.96
Balance as of
May 31st, 2023 $653,329,84