Fairview Park, Town Council 
Meeting Minutes for October 10, 2023
                                                  Town of Fairview Park, Town Council
                                               Minutes of the October 10th, 2023 Meeting

           The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday October 10th, 2023 at 7:00
p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with
council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Cox, Larry Wilson, Jim Moore and Attorney
Henry Antonini all present. A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Larry Wilson
to accept the minutes of the September meeting and financial report. The motion carried by
voice vote.
            Angie Riggen was unable to attend the meeting, Jim Hall gave a quick update on the
park he said the pickle ball courts are done and being used he also mentioned the work on the
fence was complete and that he is making some minor repairs to the equipment getting it ready
for winter and a post on the shelter needs some repairs, Tonya requested that another trash can
be placed in the area of the new courts. Larry explained that there was a little confusion on the
amount of money the town agreed to spend towards the courts, Milisa said Angie thought the
town had agreed to put up $5000.00 out of the ARP fund back in June of 2022 but no motion
was made at that time for this so Larry requested a motion to use up to $5000.00 from the ARP
fund to cover the cost of the invoice for the completion of the courts, Tonya Cox made the
motion to allow up to $5000.00 from the ARP fund, Larry Wilson seconded the motion, motion
carried by voice vote
            Mike Kelley asked if the new meter he had wanted would be installed before the Nov.
15th deadline, Larry said he will speak to Sue about it and it will be done before November
            Ordinance 2023-5 Adopting the 2024 Budget was read in full and again by title only,
Jim Hall made the motion to allow the 2024 budget Ordinance 2023-5, Tonya Cox seconded
the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
            The board agreed to set the trick or treat hours for the town to be on Tuesday Oct. 31st,
from 5:00 to 8:00pm
            Larry asked Attorney Henry Antonini about the towns surplus police car, it had been
made surplus several years back and was let for bid at that time however there were no bids
received for it, Larry wanted to know if we had to rebid the surplus car or if it could just be
sold. Henry said he would check on this for the town.
            Larry mentioned the resealing of the town hall parking lot, everyone agreed it looks
great and it was a job well done
            Larry also mentioned that Mary Kay Frazier will be retiring as the utility collections
clerk on Oct. 31st after 37 years of service for the town, there will be an open house for her on
Oct. 30th, from 10:00am to 2:00pm
            Mike Kelly thanked Larry Natalie for representing and attending the meeting on the
carbon Co2 that was held recently, Larry said it was a very interesting and informative meeting.
Larry Wilson said there will be another meeting on Oct. 17th at the South Vermillion High
            Leonard Akers asked when the town was going to have a dedication for the pickle ball
courts, Larry said it will be done but no date has been set as of yet.
            A motion was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Tonya Cox to pay the towns
claims in the amount of $25,765.77, the water department claims in the amount of $15,338.64,
the wastewater claims in the amount of $71,977.10, and storm water in the amount of
$2,346.34. The motion carried by voice vote.
            The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 pm with a motion by Tonya Cox and seconded by
Jim Moore, the motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                                           Attested to by:
                                                                                                           Milisa Carty, Clerk/Treasurer
                                                                                                           October 10th 2023 
General Fund                                          $98,513.44
MVH Fund                                               $11,390.97
MVH Restricted                                     $125,549.31
LR& S Fund                                            $55,189.63
CCD Fund                                               $17,079.06
CCI Fund                                                $29,053.70
Cum Fire Fund                                        $89,754.21
Flag Fund                                                     $494.38
Rainy Day Fund                                      $55,558.72
Police Ed. Fund                                         $2,852.19
Public Safety                                           $77,042.02
CCMG                                                       $3,569.15
ARP Funds                                            $128,175.45
Opioid Distribution                                    $4,295.55
Opioid Unrestricted                                   $1,773.06
Balance as of
October 31st, 2023                               $700,290.84