Fairview Park, Indiana
Town Council Meeting Minutes for October 2006
                                                 Town of Fairview Park
                             Minutes of the October 10, 2006 Meeting

  The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, October 10, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members James Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, David Crane, Norma Snedeker and attorney Henry Antonini present.
  The minutes of the September meetings and financial report were approved with a motion by Norma and seconded by Tonya. The motion carried by voice vote.
  Teresa advised that Ed Vrzina would be starting on the hall acoustical work this week
  Questions were asked of John Newman concerning the nuisance properties on Parke. Marshal Newman advised that he had talked with the property owners and that he is still pursuing the Town St. problem.
  Resolution 2006-4, A RESOLUTION OF THE FAIRVIEW PARK TOWN BOARD DESIGNATING THE NATIONAL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (NIMS) AS THE BASIS FOR ALL INCIDENT MANAGEMENT IN FAIRVIEW PARK, INDIANA was read in its entirety. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by David to pass said resolution. The motion carried by voice vote.
  Bill Weber complained of persons walking their dogs and not cleaning up after them near his home and also at the park. He suggested a sign prohibiting dogs in the park. Said sign would require an ordinance. The council will consider.
  Repairs of Fulton Street by Kanizer excavating were again questioned. Larry will contact Ed.
  Sue advised that the project by Larry Riggen would be completed as soon as the reflective tape is received.
  Neil Costello advised that the Ninth Street drainage project is still in the works with the possibility of doing the east side this fall.
  Marshal Newman advised that the neighborhood watch was going good.
  A motion was made by Norma and seconded by Tonya to pay the Town claims in the amount of $62,781.39, the wastewater claims of $11,229.65 and the Water department claims in the amount of $10,477.13. The motion carried by voice vote.
  The meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m. with a motion by David and seconded by Tonya. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                                           Attested to by:
                                                                                                           Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer                                                                                                                       October 10, 2006