Fairview Park, Town Council 
Meeting Minutes for October 12, 2021
                                                  Town of Fairview Park
                                    Minutes of the October 12th, 2021 Meeting

           The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday October 12th, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Cox, Larry Wilson and Jim Moore all present with Attorney Henry Antonini absent. A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Hall to accept the minutes of the September meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
            Larry spoke about the property on Lincoln St. he told Curtis that he would ask the town employees if they could take down the pool so his department could get to the other vehicles on the property to remove them.
            Tonya mentioned that her husband did speak to the track inspector about the tracks on Fourth St. and he also spoke to the mayor of Clinton about the limbs on the east side of the tracks.
            Ordinance 2021-3 Adopting the 2022 Budget was read in full and again by the title only, Tonya Cox made the motion to allow the 2022 budget, Jim Moore seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
            Larry spoke about making the towns backhoe a surplus item, he talked about a few of the problems the town is having with the backhoe and that the town is going to let it for sealed bids. Tonya Cox made the motion to declare the 1993 backhoe a surplus item and to let it for sealed bids, Jim Hall seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote. The sale of the backhoe is posted on the town’s bulletin board, all sealed bids need to be received by 1:00pm on October 15th 2021.
            The town board set the trick or treat hours for October 31st from 5:00pm to 7:00pm.
            Larry brought up the subject of speeding on Washington St. Ray Sockwell and Neal Costello both live on Washington St. and agree that it is a big problem and are concerned that someone is going to get hurt. There was a very lengthy discussion about this problem with ways to try and control the speeding on the street. Larry asked Curtis if one of his deputies could be out between 7:30 to 8:30am and again at 3:00 to 5:00pm when the speeding seems to be at its worst and possibly start writing tickets for speeding.
            A motion was made by Jim Hall and seconded by Jim Moore to pay the towns claims in the amount of $17,067.62, the water department claims in the amount of $18,191.55 with transfer Storm water $2,315.85, the wastewater claims in the amount of $22,503.96 with bond payment in the amount of $26,531.25. The motion carried by voice vote.
            The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm with a motion by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Moore, the motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                                                        Attested to by:
                                                                                                                        Milisa Carty, Clerk/Treasurer
                                                                                                                        October 12th, 2021
General Fund                                          $48,032.89
CCMG                                                       $3,569.15
MVH Fund                                                 $7,243.39
MVH Restricted                                       $76,591.93
LR & S Fund                                            $43,015.30
CCD Fund                                               $21,078.41
CCI Fund                                                 $32,781.29
Cum Fire Fund                                        $80,533.93
Flag Fund                                                     $848.60
Riverboat Wagering                                 $21,881.45
Rainy Day Fund                                       $34,817.74
Police Ed. Fund                                         $3,628.19
Certified Shares                                       $39,994.50
Public Safety                                           $57,982.82
Balance as of
October 31st ,2021                                $471,999.59