Fairview Park, Town Council
Meeting Minutes for Aprl 11, 2017
                                          Town of Fairview Park
                       Minutes of the April ll th, 2017 Meeting

                   The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday April 11th, 2017 at 7:00p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited.  Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Larry Wilson Jim Moore all present and Attorney Henry Antonini arrived shortly after the meeting began.   A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded  by Jim Moore to accept the minutes of the March meeting and financial report.  The motion carried by voice vote.
               The first order of business for the town  is the appointment  of the town marshal, Tonya Smith made the motion to appoint Curtis Stoffel as the new tO\>vn marshal, Larry Wilson seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote
               The Weed Grass & Vegetation Control Ordinance was discussed briefly, Tonya Smith made the motion to proceed with the ordinance and Jim Moore seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
               Phil Bennett gave a quick update on the cameras for the department, they are looking at
about $640.00 for the system, he spoke about the renovations also they are still in the planning stages for the work that needs to be done, some things have been moved and some demolition has been done, nothing has been bought yet.
               Larry Natalie mentioned they have received one bid on the acoustic problem in the
town hall and are waiting for some others bids to come in.
               The fire department announced that they have decided to postpone the chicken barbeque that is usually in April till later in the year.
               Leonard Akers spoke about the leash ordinance and maybe having it posted in the newspaper.
               Representatives from Joink Internet Service was at the meeting to present their plans tor internet service that will go through Fairview, the path will go down Washington  St. on the west side and eventually on to Rockville, the lines will stay in the public right of way and the work should begin towards the end of May or first of June. Henry was asked to look into what the town will need for possible bonds and easement permission.
               Leonard made a request that the town donate to the fair board for the replacement of the grandstands, Larry said they would check with the state board of accounts to see what can be done.
               Becky Ellis expressed concern about a property by hers that had not been mowed she
said she had spoken to the realtor about the problem, Curtis said he would look into this for her.
               A resident ask for some gravel on the north end of Park St. Sue said the guys are grading now and are working that way.
               Phil asked about the house on Jackson St. and if the transfer for the property had went
thru yet, Henry said we don't have the deed in hand yet. Phil had a request for the fire department to use the house on Jackson St. for training purposes before it’s tore down, Henry said until we have the deed no decisions can be made about this request.
               A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Hall to pay the town claims in the amount of $7,615.56 the water department claims in the amount of $15,429.11 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $6,048.65. The motion carried by voice vote.
               The meeting was adjourned  at 7:30 p.m. with a motion by Tonya Smith and seconded
by Jim Hall. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                             Attested to by:
                                                                                             Milisa Carty, Clerk-Treasurer
                                                                                              April 11t\ 2017

General Fund         $16,506.89
MVH Fund              $37,328.87
LR&SFund             $17.580.10
CCD Fund             $25,675.53
CCI Fund               $33.365.48
Cum Fire Fund       $60.371.21
Flag Fund                   $576.88
Riverboat Wagering$38.708.68
Rainy Day Fund      $30,046.91
Police Ed. Fund        $2.741.47
Park Grant Fund                 .00
Excess Levy Fund                    .00
Balance as of
April 30th, 2017 $262,902.02