Town of Fairview Park
                  Minutes of the December 9, 2008 Meeting

       The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at 7:00
p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members James Hall, Larry Natalie, Janet Troglio, and David Crane and Attorney Henry L. Antonini present. Council member Norma Snedeker was absent.
        The minutes of the November meeting and financial report were approved with a motion by Janet and seconded by David. The motion carried by voice vote.
        DTE contacted Larry about the whistle blowing. They advised that they would discontinue sounding the whistle after 8:00 p.m.
        Sue advised that she had gotten some salt at about triple the price of last year.
        Ordinance 2008-3, AN ORDINANCE SETTING SALARLIES FOR ELECTED TOWN OFFICIALS, TOWN, WATER AND WASTEWATER UTILITY EMPLOYEES UNDER IC 36-5-3-2 was read once in it’s entirety and once by title. A motion was made by Janet and seconded by Jim to pass said ordinance. The motion carried by voice vote.
        The 2009 WWTP Budget was reviewed by the Council. A motion was made by Jim and seconded by David to approve the budget. The motion carried by voice vote.
        Jim Moore advised the Counc   il that the fire department would be signing with a company to do billing for them involving vehicle accidents only and bill insurance companies only. The fees to be charged will be use guidelines set up by the State. The notice to do so will appear in the paper twice. The picture fundraiser is almost complete with pictures to be mailed sometime this week. Jim also advised that the department has the same officers as last year.
        Leonard Akers questioned the authority of the WWTP operator Rick Royal in connection with the street repair. Larry advised that he felt there were guidelines in the sewer ordinance supporting this. Larry also advised that he would like to see an ordinance requiring all persons tearing up the street to post a bond before work starts. Henry will draft said ordinance.
        Leonard also asked the Council to look towards the future and pass a no smoking in restaurants ordinance in the near future.
        A motion was made by Janet and seconded by David to pay the Town claims in the amount of $30,997.27, the wastewater claims of $11,451.69 and the Water department claims in the amount of $48,317.97. The motion carried by voice vote.
        The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. with a motion by David and seconded by Jim. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                              Attested to by:
                                                                                              Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer
                                                                                               December 9, 2008

                           Town of Fairview Park
                 Minutes of the December 9, 2008 Meeting