Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the December 8th, 2015 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday December 8th at 7:00p.m. at
the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council
members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore, attorney
Henry Antonini were all present. A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Phyllis
Lambert to accept the minutes ofthe November meeting and financial report. The motion
carried by voice vote.
Henry Antonini spoke about the town hall rental agreement, he stated that Dave
Marietta with F orrcst Sherer insurance still says that a copy of the hall renters home 0\Vners
insurance policy or a copy of an event policy be provided for anyone \vho rents the tmvn hall.
John Sanquenetti was upset with this request, he said that trying to enforce this would be a big
mess. Henry stated that we are covered but depending but depending on what our deductible is
renting the hall for $50 or $75.00 may not cover the deductible if something should happen.
Henry stated that the town board has enough information to make an informed decision on this
now. John asked how he is to proceed with renting the hall after the first of the year till the next
board meeting, Larry said to keep doing it the way he has till a decision is made, after some
discussion , Larry said we will get back with Dave and see how other places handle this
problem. Henry said the policy will cover us, it just depends on the deductible, if it is $5000 the
town could lose money if it is sued, wither we are at fault or not. Larry ask what did the town
take in in rental fees last year and John said he would check into it and have it for the next
meeting. Henry said it comes down to if you feel this is a valuable service to the tax payers of
Fairview Park to be able to rent the hall out at the rate we have set.
Phil Bennett spoke on the fire dept. renovation, he said they are getting specs for the
work to be done.
Ordinance 2015-7 was read a second time by title only a motion was made to accept by
Phyllis Lambert and was seconded by Tonya Smith, Voice approved.
Ordinance 2015-9 was also read a second time by title only, a motion was made to accept by
Jim Moore and was seconded by Jim Hall, Voice approved.
Under new business Larry Beard asked about the status of the Storm water project,
Larry said the plan was approved by ORCA and now we have to go into the phase of raising
enough money to match whatever grant we are going after, and our match will be 10%. After
some discussion Larry stated we have a good chance of getting funded and the tovm has some
money accumulated to put forth , but 've are not to that point yet. Lany Beard also stated he
noticed Terre Haute is doing their rates to purchase sludge from Clinton, Fairview, and he
wanted to know if anyone had contacted us about this, Larry Natalie said no.
Mike Kelley talked about the drains on Washington St. he said it was good to see them
get cleaned, he asked if the drain on Second St. could be added in to the grant deal he said that
could be a good location for some of 9111 St. (Washington St.) water
Larry Beard asked who our sewer inspector is and Larry N. said it is Harry Crossley
right now.
Leonard Akers asked of anyone had contacted Larry or Milisa about the tennis courts at
the park, he said someone had approached him about renovating the courts
A town resident asked if the phone number for the Fairview police Dept. was still
active or had it been changed, Larry said it will be changed, Curtis Stoffel said he wiii look in
to it.
Salary Ordinance 2015-10 was read in its entirety and once by title only, a motion to
accept was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Tonya Smith, Voice approved.
Reduction Resolution 2015-11 was read in its entirety, $3837 will come out of MVH 2-!3 fund.
A motion to accept was made by Phyllis Lambert and seconded by Tonya Smith
Voice Approved
. A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Hall to pay the town claims
in the amount of $73,249. I 8, the water department claims in the amount of $78,274.54 and the
wastewater claims in the amount of$9568.33. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjoumed at 7:35 p.m. with a motion by Tonya Smith and seconded
by Jim Moore. The motion carried by voice vote
Attested to by:
Milisa Carty, Clerk-Treasurer
December 8th, 20 I 5
General Fund ..........................$39,706.44
MVH Fund ..............................$25,751.65
LR& S Fund ............................$24,292.96
CCD Fund ..............................$25,636.45
CCI Fund ...............................$29,832.94
Cum Fire Fw1d .......................$56.016.25
Flag Fund ...................................$576.88
Riverboat Wagering .................$30.498.42
Rainy Day Fund ......................$21.674.91
Police Ed. Ftmd .........................$1366.25
Park Grant Fund ..................................00
Excess Levy Fund ................................00
Balance as of
Dec 31st, 2015 ......................$255,353 15