Fairview Park, Town Council
Meeting Minutes for December 11, 2018
                                             Fairview Park, Town Council
                             Meeting Minutes for December 11, 2018

          The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday December 11th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited.  Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Cox, Larry Wilson, Jim Moore and Attorney Henry Antonini was all present. A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Moore to accept the minutes of the November meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
         The town marshal gave his update, Curtis said that one of the patrol cars is down and he is trying to get it running again, he informed the board that one of his deputies Michael Ray will be off for a while with a shoulder injury and he spoke about a pursuit that started in Fairview and ended in Terre Haute, one of the towns deputies was in the pursuit but had the State police pick it up on St. Rd. 63 due to the speed of the pursuit and the condition of the patrol car. Tonya asked about speeding on Lincoln St. before and after school and she told Curtis about people running the stop signs at Fourth & Washington streets, he said he would look into it for the town.
         Ron Shepard gave the Storm Water update, first he had an application for payment to Kanizer Excavating for $28,589.67 Ron then explained the punch list he had for the pre-final walk through that was done on November 26th and based on the walk though it is recommended that the town give Kanizer Excavating a partial Certificate of Substantial Completion. Ron explained what work will be done in the spring. Bill Foster had some questions for Ron about his yard and what will be done about his problems, Bill also wanted to know where the dirt from his yard went he wants the fill dirt returned to him, after much discussion Ron said he would check out the problems and get the right amount of fill dirt returned back to him. John Sanquenetti told Ron about a problem on Third and Plum streets, he said something is sticking up from the ground and could get hit by snow plows, Ron said he would check on it also. Tonya Cox made the motion to allow Larry to sign the disbursement request for Kanizer Excavating and the Certificate of Substantial Completion. Jim Hall seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
          The Request to Vacate was tabled due to no representatives at the meeting.
Thurman Hayes the assistant pastor with the Clinton House of Worship wanted to let the board and town know that his church will be moving into what was the Jehovah Witness church on Lincoln St.
         Mark Yager with Commonwealth Engineers also wanted to introduce himself to the board and he spoke briefly about the company he works for.
          Ordinance 2018-10, The 2019 Salary Ordinance was read in full and again by title only Tonya Cox made the motion to allow and Jim Moore seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
          The clerk/treasurer informed the board that the town would receive their portion of property taxes within a couple of days and the 2019 budget had been approved by the state without any cuts
            A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Larry Wilson to pay the towns claims in the amount of $25,627.79 with $111,069.88 to the storm water project, the water department claims in the amount of $12,012.05 the wastewater claims in the amount of $15,510.88. The motion carried by voice vote.
          The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm with a motion by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Hall. The motion carried by voice vote.
                                                                                          Attested to by:
                                                                                          Milisa Carty, Clerk/Treasurer
                                                                                          December 11, 2018


General Fund                                 $39,2I0.95
MVH Fund                                     $40,620.12
LR & S Fund                                 $23,779.65
CCD Fund                                     $23,075.02
CCIFund                                        $31,079.45
Cum Fire Fund                              $69,086.79
Flag Fund                                           $871.85
Riverboat Wagering                       $31,188.23
Rainy Day Fund                             $24,224.38
Police Ed. Fund                               $2,898.13
Certified Shares                             $14,120.00
Public Safety                                  $24,681.00
Balance as of
December 31th, 2018                  $324,835.57