Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the January lOth, 2017 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday January lOth, 2017 at 7:00
p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with
council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Larry Wilson Jim Moore and Attorney
Henry Antonini \vas all present. A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim
Hall to accept the minutes of the December meeting and financial report. The motion carried
by voice vote.
Appointments for 2017, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Larry Natalie as
President of the Board, Jim Hall seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote, next Park
Superintendent, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Jim Hall as park superintendent, Larry
Wilson seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote, next Town Attorney, Jim Hall made
the motion to retain Henry Antonini, there was no seconded, motion did not pass. Town
Marshal, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Mike Strader, Jim Hall seconded the motion,
motion carried by voice vote, Office staff, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Mary Kay
Frazier as office manager, Jim Hall seconded the motion, motion canied by voice vote, next
Street Superintendent and Street Employees, Tonya Smith made the motion to retain Susan
Crossley as street superintendent and Mark Andrews, Ralph Leonard as street and water
employees, Jim Hall seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote. Engineer Firm, Tonya
Smith made the motion to retain HWC Engineering Firm and Eric Smith, Jim Hall seconded the
motion, motion carried by voice vote and Jim Hall made the motion to renew the contract with
the Fairview Park Volunteer Fire Department, Tonya Smith seconded the motion, motion
carried bv voice vote.
Since the motion to retain to towns attorney did not pass a question was asked what
would happen to the town without an attorney to represent it, Henry stated that at the end of the
meeting the town would not have any legal representation until the board makes a motion to
appoint an attorney, after some discussion Tonya Smith seconded the original motion made by
Jim Hall to retain Henry Antonini as the towns attomey until the board can hold an executive
meeting, voice approved. The executive meeting was set for January 19th at 7:00 in the town
Neighborhood watch update, Mike Strader stated that other than Thane Doan no one is
really interested in the watch, however he is still looking into the program, there was some
discussion about break-ins in our area and the city of Clinton, Mike and Nick Hall reminded
everyone to call in and report any suspicious activity don't just face book anything you see.
Solicitation ordinance, Henry spoke on this stating that the county ordinance is similar
to other counties solicitation ordinances in how it reads, Larry Natalie ask if he could have a
draft ready by the next meeting, Henry said he would, Henry also ask the board if there was
anything else they would like to see in the ordinance, Larry Natalie said the ordinance should
have language addressing hours of solicitation and when individuals could stop by the towns
office since it is only open from the first to the fifteenth of each month. Leonard Akers ask
about exemptions Henry said fire departments, charities and things of that nature would be
exempt. This ordinance will be for, for profit organizations. Henry said he would draft a
proposed ordinance for the board to look over and they told him to go fonvard with the draft.
Leonard brought up the acoustics in the town hall to remind the board of it, Larry said
what he has looked into is mostly ceiling tiles but he has not got any prices yet. Leonard also
mentioned the trains that have been sitting on the tracks on Fourth St. He asked if the board
would issue a letter to our congressman to let them know about this problem.
Transfer Resolution 2017-1 Transfer of Funds \vas read aloud in full and once again by
title only, Jim Hall made the motion to allow Tonya Smith seconded the motion, motion carried
by voice vote.
Phil Bennett gave a few fire department updates, trying to save some money the lights
on the fire department will be turned off during the day, he also mentioned the department got
the remainder of the town's funds in the amount of $1730. 00 and they are going to use that
money on their tanker. The department is also looking into getting cameras for the outside of
the fire house having them point at the doors and also the street due to the fact that people don't
stop when the fire trucks have there emergency lights on and are trying to back into the fire
house, and if the town would help, get a good system that records and have cameras on the
town hall and facing at the old town hall, he estimated the price to be $1400.00 to $1500.00.
Phil said the department could install the system and the cameras would be good for liabilities
in case something should happen. Larry spoke for the board and told Phil to look into the cost
of all of it.
Nick Hall spoke about the police departments need for an evidence safe, he said the
department is running out of room to hold all the evidence, Nick ask the board for their
approval to look into purchasing a gun safe for this purpose. Tonya Smith made the motion to
allow the purchase of the safe, Jim Hall seconded the motion, voice approved
Larry spoke briefly about the police department's vehicles that right now the town does
not have one on the road due to break downs Mike said the town has been able to use the sheriff
department's vehicles so the town is still covered.
A motion was made by Tonya Smith and seconded by Jim Hall to pay the town claims
in the amount of $11,393.79 the water department claims in the amount of $27,720.60 and the
wastewater claims in the amount of $7,394.48. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. with a motion by Tonya Smith and seconded
by Jim Hall. The motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Milisa Carty, Clerk-Treasurer
January IOth, 2017
General Fund $32,954.23
MVH Fund $31,633.22
LR & S Fund $15,744.56
CCD Fund $25,675.53
CCI Fund $33,365.48
Cum Fire Fund $60,371.21
Flag Fund $576.88
Riverboat Wagering $38.708.68
Rainy Day Fund $28,434.41
Police Ed. Fund $2,401.47
Park Grant Fund .00
Excess Levy Fund .00
Balance as of
January 31th. 2017 $269.865.67