Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the June 12, 2012 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, June 12, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Smith, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore present. Our attorney Henry Antonini was absent. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Jim Moore to accept the minutes of the May meeting and fmancial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Professional Paint submitted an estimate of $860.00 to properly wrap the windows previously installed by another contractor. Jim Moore advised that he would make further contacts.
It was reported that the Waters house on Towne has been removed and that the wood is gone from the Kanizer property. The Kanizer property still needs mowed.
A letter has been sent on the property on First Street across from the High School.
Resolution 2012-8, A RESOLUTION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH HEA 1005 CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND NEPOTISM was read. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Jim Moore to pass said resolution. The motion carried by voice vote.
Estimates from Arkie Oaks for work on the roads were read. A motion was made by Tonya and seconded by Phyllis to approve the work on Lincoln, Pike and Ninth Streets for $12,888.00 and for work on Kibby for $1850.00. The motion carried by voice vote. The council decided to hold off on the other work.
David Wright advised that he is having a yard sale and that any items that did not sell would be removed by Monday.
Jim Moore complained of speeding on Lincoln between 6th & 7th Streets. The Marshal will take care of. He will also talk with Randy Turchi concerning Yield signs at the highway.
Larry Natalie advised of sidewalk grants that are available to replace current sidewalks. The council felt this was worth looking into.
A motion was made by Phyllis and seconded by Jim Hall to pay the Town claims in the amount of $9,133.59, the water department claims in the amount of $16,092.28 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $12,544.47. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 8:02 p.m. with a motion by Tonya and seconded by Phyllis. The motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer June 12, 2012