Fairview Park, Indiana Town Council Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2011
Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the March 8, 2011 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Jim Snider, David Crane and Jim Moore and attorney Henry L. Antonini present. A motion was made by Jim Hall and seconded by Jim Snider to accept the minutes of the February meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Sue talked with Randy Turchi with the State Highway Dept. He advised that the next time the sign crew came through he would have them put up the yield signs at SR 63. Sue also advised that David Marietta, our insurance agent advised against allowing community service people to work in the Town due to liability issues.
Leonard Akers questioned if the radar units could only be used in the current patrol cars. Will check with Butch.
Joanie Doan questioned the progress/status of the nuisance property belonging to David Wright on Fulton Street. She was advised that photos had been taken, a certified letter had been sent and that the bus had been towed. After discussion, Mrs. Doan was assured that the Council would continue do whatever possible to get the property cleaned. Mike Kelley questioned if there was a definite end date to process. Henry advised there was not.
Resolution 2011-3, A RESOLUTION TO PURSUE A WATER RATE INCREASE, was read and a motion was made by Jim Hall and seconded by David to pass said resolution. The resolution passed by voice vote.
Complaints of the ditches along Plum Street eroding were voiced. Sue will get quotes for cleaning the ditch and laying riprap.
Don Klinge, fire chief, advised that fire department did receive a grant for $65,000, which will be used for new extrication equipment. The next chicken BBQ is set for April 30th. Teresa will check into the cost of new tables for the Town Hall.
A motion was made by David and seconded by Jim Snider to pay the Town claims in the amount of $16,383.30, the water department claims in the amount of $8,155.58 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $5,516.62. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:35 p.m. with a motion by David and seconded by Jim Snider. The motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer March 8, 2011
West Central Indiana Economic Development District, Inc, (WCIEDD)
Water Improvements Project
Town of Fairview Park
Tuesday, March 15, 2011 — 6:00 PM
Town of Fairview Park — Town Hall
420 East 3rd Street
Clinton, Indiana 47842
Call to Order: Kristy Jerrell informally called the Public Hearing to order at approximately 6:04 PM.
Facilitators: Kristy Jerrell, WCIEDD Grant Administrator
Eric Smith, Project Engineer, Hannum, Wagle & Cline Engineering
Kristy Jerrell presented and explained that the Town of Fairview Park will be applying to the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA) for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to fund the Water Improvements Project. She explained in detail about the CDBG funding. She stated that a proposal was submitted on January 14, 2011 and the final application will be submitted on March 18, 2011.
Kristy Jerrell stated that there are two funding rounds a year in the CDBG program and the yearly dollars are around $30 million dollars for the entire State of Indiana. She stated that the first round CDBG Program has about $15 million dollars available. She stated that both funding rounds are extremely competitive and applicants may have to submit several times in order to be awarded grant dollars.
She presented the timelines of the project as well as explaining the grant evaluation criteria that is used when IOCRA is reviewing the application. She stated that if this project is awarded, then construction is set to start sometime in February 2012 and construction should be completed by October 2012. She stated that based on the 166.25 national objective score, the 185.26 community distress points, 5 points in local match contribution and hopefully at least a 170 to 190 in project design factor points — that the Town should score anywhere from 526 to 546. She stated that the last round the cutoff was a 500 but we do not know from round to round what the cutoff score will be. She stated that their score is a good score and she is hopeful that the project will be awarded.
Kristy Jerrell stated that the total project cost will be $658,050 and since the Town is committing a total of $65,805 in local match, the Town will be requesting a grant in the amount of $592,245. She explained that that local match is in the form of $15,000 from the Town's River Boat Wagering Fund and $50,805 will be obtained from a general Bank Loan. She stated that the more local match an applicant commits toward the project the higher the points.
Kristy Jerrell then stated that the Eric Smith, Project Engineer from Hannum, Wagle, & Cline Engineering, will now explain the project in detail. Eric Smith explained the project in detail. He stated that the current wells are barley meeting the needs with both pumps and that the Town is relying on a 1946 vintage well.
Eric Smith explained that the current telephone based controls are unreliable and the project will install a radio based system that will contain a low wave frequency. He stated that the antennas will communicate the level of the water in the tanks. He also stated that the well buildings will be rehabilitated and that fencing will be added around the well field for security based on the Indiana Department of Homeland Security requirements
g. Eric Smith explained that the out in the distribution system there is a lack of operable valves and that 33 new gate valves will be installed at intersections so that they may be isolated in 4 different directions. He also stated that 6 new hydrants will be installed
Kristy Jerrell then opened the discussion up for comments and questions regarding the project and the improvements being proposed.
Resident Leonard Akers asked where exactly the fencing will be at the well field. Eric Smith stated that there will be 1672 linear feet of fencing installed around the entire well field that will connect to the existing fencing at the ball field. He stated that the fencing is truly a small portion of this project.
Resident Bob Baird asked if the new well that will pump 200 gallons per minute will satisfy the Town's needs. Eric Smith stated that the new well along with the other two wells will definitely satisfy the Town's needs.
k. Resident Bob Baird asked about the chlorine station and if the Town was doing away with fluoride. Eric Smith stated the current disinfection system lacks modernization and they will keep the fluoride but install a newer unit in the well field and there will be gates at each end to access the water well field as well as the wastewater.
I. Reporter George Cary from the Daily Clintonian Newspaper asked what is the capacity of the two existing wells. Eric Smith stated that both together are 245,000 gallons per minute and by adding a new well the Town will be able to keep up with peak demands and maintain a reliable water pressure for its customers.
m. Resident Leonard Akers asked about the gate valve installation and if it will disturb the roadways. Eric Smith stated that there will be surface restoration due to the fact that the roadways will have to be cut to install the valves. He stated that this is included in the budget.
n. Resident Leonard Akers asked if there will be some sort of hatch installed on the new roofs of the well building for easy access for maintenance and repair. Eric Smith stated yes but the new well that is being installed will not be contained in a building. Resident Leonard Akers asked if the new well will be drilled at 130 to 140 feet. Eric Smith stated yes.
o. Resident Bob Baird stated that there are many electrical problems. Eric Smith stated that this project will install all new telementary controls that will be tied into all 3 wells. Reporter George Cary asked how tall the antennas will be. Eric Smith stated that he will not know until they get into final design engineering.
p. Reporter George Cary asked what happens if the grant is not awarded to the Town. Kristy Jerrell stated that the Town can choose to apply the next round and they can keep applying until they get awarded. She stated that there are 2 grant rounds a year with OCRA.
q.Reporter George Cary stated that the customers cannot afford a much higher bill. Town Council President, Larry Natalie, stated that the utility has been operating in the red for three years now and the Council has a physical responsibility to get the utility back into the black. He stated that if the grant is awarded or if it is not, there will be a rate increase of some sort. He stated that a rate study was just completed and there has been a resolution recently passed to go forward with a rate increase. He stated that they would like to increase in steps to they would not put a full burden all at once on the customers. He then explained what repairs and improvements have been made within the last five years.
Resident Leonard Akers asked if there will be warranties on the well pumps and Eric Smith stated yes.
Kristy Jerrell then asked the attendees if they had any other questions on the project.
3. Adjournment: There being no further questions, Kristy Jerrell adjourned the meeting at approximately 6:46 PM.
Kristy Jerrell, Grant Administrator
Recorder (See attached Third Party Authorization to Record Minutes)
1. Meeting Sign-In Sheet