Fairview Park Town Council
Meeting Minutes for November 13, 2018
                                          Town of Fairview Park Meeting
                                          Minutes for November 13, 2018

          The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday November 13th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited.  Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Cox, Larry Wilson, Jim Moore and Attorney Henry Antonini was all present. A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Moore to accept the minutes of the October meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
         The town marshal gave his update Curtis spoke about a nuance problem in the 300 block of Jackson St. he said he had spoken to the health department and the problem should be taken care of soon. Curtis mentioned that one of the squad cars had run over some debris and had to have the tires replaced on it. Tonya Cox asked him about the property with the trailer on it Curtis said that Sean Stafford had spoken to them and gave them a certain amount of time to clean it up. Tonya also ask about a flyer that had been left on her door from Everdry Waterproofing, she wanted to know if they had got a permit, the office staff did not remember them getting one.
          Larry gave the Storm Water project update the substantial completion date for the project is November 20th except for the final grading, site restoration, paving and installing concrete collars they will finish these projects in the spring. By the 20th they have to have the initial grading done all pipe buried and smoothed out and the blanket put down on Fourth St. from Plum to Chestnut streets to hold the bank in, they also have to mulch the area after it’s graded. Bill Foster had several concerns about his property on Plum St. with the storm water project. They have dug a large hole on his property in his front yard without any explanation as why. He also had a complaint about his driveway and a tree in his yard that was damaged. Larry said he would get Ron and Jeremy to meet with him about these problems.
          Next the request for authorized signature for disbursement #5 Kanizer’s Excavating, for $133,818.88 and a request for change orders one and two. Change order one is to reroute the six inch water main and change order two is for additional time. Jim Hall made the motion to allow the authorized signature and the two change orders with Tonya Cox seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
          The clerk/treasurer had a question about the 2019 salary ordinance there will be two new pay lines in the 2019 ordinance for the extra work the office employees are doing for the town. The board made the decision to pay the employees two hundred dollars monthly with Tonya Cox making the motion to allow and Jim Moore seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote
          The request to vacate an alley by Kylie Gilman was tabled since the board is unsure if the alley is really the towns alley, Larry asked Henry to look into it for the town and Henry said it should be the responsibility of the individual who is making the request to have all the paperwork for this and Henry listed several things that need to be done before the board can make a decision
            A motion was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Larry Wilson to pay the towns claims in the amount of $16,841.34 with $191,068.55 to the storm water project, the water department claims in the amount of $12,701.25 the wastewater claims in the amount of $272,370.38. The motion carried by voice vote.
          The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm with a motion by Tonya Cox and seconded by Jim Moore. The motion carried by voice vote.

                                                                                     Attested to by:
                                                                                     Milisa Carty, Clerk/Treasurer
                                                                                     November 13th, 2018


General Fund                                   $23,936.71
MVH Fund                                        $41,319.09
LR & S Fund                                    $22,753.64
CCD Fund                                        $27,717.49
CCI Fund                                          $34,045.74
Cum Fire Fund                                 $67,378.84
Flag Fund                                             $571.85
Riverboat Wagering                         $31,188.23
Rainy Day Fund                               $23,542.30
Police Ed. Fund                                  $2,878.13
Certified Shares                               $12,944.75
Public Safety                                    $22,626 75
Balance as of

November 30th, 2018                     $310,903.52