Fairview Park, Town Council Meeting Minutes for Octber 8, 2019
Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the October 8th, 2019 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday October 8th, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Tonya Cox, Larry Wilson and Jim Moore was present with Attorney Henry Antonini absent. A motion was made by Tonya Cox and seconded by Larry Wilson to accept the minutes of the September meeting and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Curtis gave the town marshal update he spoke about the repairs to one of the police cars he said it is running fairly well right now he also spoke briefly about the bids for the new car. Jim Moore asked Curtis how many reserve deputies he had right now Curtis said four currently and he hopes to have them all present at the next meeting.
Larry asked Sue what she found out about the street lights that are out, he mentioned that at Fourth and Kibby and also First and Kibby the street lights are out, Sue said she had called Duke Energy and reported them out but she will follow up on it.
Jim Hall mentioned the trailers on Jackson St. that have sold and the house on Washington St. that has also sold.
Resident Bill Foster is still having problems with the storm water project, he said there are several things that have not been taken care of on and around his property he questioned who takes care of the drains. Larry said he should have a meeting with Eric Smith/HWC Engineering sometime in the coming month and he will mention Mr. Foster’s problems to Eric.
Sue gave a quick update on the tank repairs she said the job is done and it is back on line and it should last another twenty years.
Ordinance 2019-5 Adopting the 2020 Budget was read in full and again by title only Tonya Cox made the motion to allow the 2020 Budget and Jim Moore seconded the motion, motion carried by voice vote.
Jared Dreher who owns property on Gilbert St. had concerns about the alley between Gilbert and Kibby streets, Larry said the town would look into it, Sue said she believes it is a utility easement and not an alley but they will check it out
A motion was made by Jim Hall and seconded by Tonya Cox to pay the towns claims in the amount of $26,413.27 the water department claims in the amount of $14,489.78 the wastewater claims $11,501.09 and Construction Fund for repairs to the tank $52,880.00. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:25pm with a motion by Jim Hall and seconded by Tonya Cox, The motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Milisa Carty, Clerk/Treasurer
October 8th, 2019
General Fund $21,379.54
MVH Fund $25,457.56
MVH Restricted $24,681.65
LR & S Fund $31,598.07
CCD Fund $26,232.93
CCI Fund $29,951.28
Cum Fire Fund $71,708.17
Flag Fund $268.58
Riverboat Wagering $32,398.78
RainyDayFund $31,430.18
Police Ed. Fund $3,184.13
Certified Shares $26,813.00
Public Safety $46,630.70
Balance as of
October 3J'·h, 2019 $371,734.57