Town of Fairview Park
Minutes of the September 13, 2011 Meeting
The Town Council held their regular meeting on Tuesday, September, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Building. The Pledge to the Flag was recited. Roll call was taken with council members Jim Hall, Larry Natalie, Jim Snider, Phyllis Lambert and Jim Moore and attorney Henry L. Antonini present. A motion was made by Jim Moore and seconded by Jim Hall to accept the minutes of the August meetings and financial report. The motion carried by voice vote.
Resolution 2011-6, A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION SUBMISSION AND LOCAL MATCH COMMITMENT was read. A motion was made by Phyllis and seconded by Jim Snider to pass said resolution. The motion carried by voice vote.
Jim Moore advised that mowing and clean up had been done at different properties in town.
Fire Chief, Don Klinge, advised that the fire department received a grant for equipment from AFG through FEMA.
Teresa presented the 2012 budget and answered questions.
A request for a mobile home permit was received from Mary Ann Griffin. After hearing details, a motion was made by Phyllis and seconded by Jim Moore to allow the placement. The motion carried by voice vote.
Ordinance 2011-6, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SALARY ORDINANCE 2010-4, was read once in its entirety and once by title. A motion was made by Jim Hall and seconded by Jim Moore to pass said ordinance. The motion carried by voice vote.
Citizen complaints were received on go-carts on Jackson, Railroad and Second Streets, along with the Town's truck speeding. The Reserve Marshal & Sue will take care of them.
Don Klinge advised that the fire department will be conducting a fund raiser within the next few months, whereby anyone making a donation to the department will receive a free 8 x 10 portrait. Mailers will be sent in the mail with no door to door solicitation.
Jeff Ingram, Reserve Marshal, advised that the sign on First Street by the High School is very effective in slowing people down. It will remain there when not in use elsewhere.
Dorothy Weir thanked the Town for cutting the bush at Fourth and Lincoln.
A motion was made by Jim Snider and seconded by Phyllis Lambert to pay the Town claims in the amount of $15,086.89, the water department claims in the amount of $19,845.40 and the wastewater claims in the amount of $7,588.82. The motion carried by voice vote.
The meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. with a motion by Jim Moore and seconded by Jim Snider. The motion carried by voice vote.
Attested to by:
Teresa Baker, Clerk-Treasurer September 13, 2011